Keyword >> interphase

Accession File RefGenome Cell/Tissue Keywords
Single-nucleosome imaging reveals steady-state mot...
[394] Figure1_2022_04_18.jpg
An image of single-nucleosomes in living cells

[395] Figure3_2022_03_27KM_0401iida2.jpg
3D-reconstituted image of a nucleus

[396] Figure10_2022_03_27.jpg
Steady-state local chromatin motion during interph...

[397] Movie2.mp4
A computational simulation of chromatin Brownian d...

[398] Movie1_2.mp4
A movie of single-nucleosomes in living cells

[399] Movie3.mp4
3D-reconstituted image of a nucleus

[400] Combined_Mov4_Mov5.mp4
Local chromatin motion is similar between G1 (left...

HeLa chromatin motion interphase cell cycle 
Fractal polymer Brownian dynamics