Accession GMS-65-5 

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TitleSingle-nucleosome imaging reveals steady-state motion of interphase chromatin in living human cells
Submit date2023-08-30 10:59:39
Last update date2023-08-30 13:46:12
gmsuite AT
The University of Tokyo
Total file size44.98 MB
Keywords chromatin motion interphase cell cycle 
Fractal polymer Brownian dynamics 
Experiment type
Cell lines
Flow cytometry
Single-nucleosome imaging microscopy
Fractal polymer model
Summary Dynamic chromatin behavior plays a critical role in various genome functions. However, it remains unclear how chromatin behavior changes during interphase, where the nucleus enlarges and genomic DNA doubles. While the previously reported chromatin movements varied during interphase when measured using a minute or longer time scale, we unveil that local chromatin motion captured by single-nucleosome imaging/tracking on a second time scale remained steady throughout G1, S, and G2 phases in live human cells. This motion mode appeared to change beyond this time scale. A defined genomic region also behaved similarly. Combined with Brownian dynamics modeling, our results suggest ...... [read more: ]
Citation(s) Iida S, Shinkai S, Itoh Y, Tamura S, Kanemaki MT, Onami S, Maeshima K. Single-nucleosome imaging reveals steady-state motion of interphase chromatin in living human cells. Sci Adv. 2022 Jun 3;8(22):eabn5626. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abn5626. Epub 2022 Jun 3. PMID: 35658044; PMCID: PMC9166292.
Cell (Tissue) HeLa
Protocol HeLa S3 cells HT-1080 cells HCT116  RPE-1
H2B-HaloTag expression
To obtain cells arrested in the G1 phase, HeLa, HCT116, or HT-1080 cells were initially plated at 2.0 × 105 cells/ml, left for 1 day, and then treated with 20 μM lovastatin (M1687, LKT Laboratories) for 24 hours (figs. S3 and S6).
For cell cycle synchronization of HeLa cells in the S or late S-G2 phase, double thymidine block and release were performed as follows (fig. S3). Cells (1.0 × 105 cells/ml) were plated with 3 mM thymidine (T9250-1G, Sigma-Aldrich) for 18 hours, released into a thymidine-free medium for 9 hours, and again treated with 3 mM thymidine for 17 hours for the G1/S arrest. The arrested cells were then released into a thymidine-free medium for 4 hours (S phase) or 8 hours (late S-G2 phase).
Data processing DeltaVision Elite microscopy with an Olympus PlanApoN 60× objective (NA 1.42) and an sCMOS camera.
MetaMorph software (Molecular Devices) or NIS-Elements (Nikon).

10 Brownian dynamics simulations with 100,000 times iteration steps. Polymer conformation data were output every 100 iteration steps. Then, we analyzed the averaged MSD for all monomers and the angles for the 10,000,000 (= N Ã— 100,000/100 × 10 ) trajectory points. We used VMD to visualize polymer dynamics 
[396] Steady-state local chromatin motion during interphase cell cycle despite of increase in DNA amount and nuclear volume
Figure10_2022_03_27.jpg (1.03 MB)  
[394] An image of single-nucleosomes in living cells
Figure1_2022_04_18.jpg (541.14 KB)  
[395] 3D-reconstituted image of a nucleus
Figure3_2022_03_27KM_0401iida2.jpg (137.03 KB)  
[400] Local chromatin motion is similar between G1 (left) and G2 (right) though nuclear volume grows double from G1 to G2
Combined_Mov4_Mov5.mp4 (12.28 MB)  
[398] A movie of single-nucleosomes in living cells
Movie1_2.mp4 (12.10 MB)  
[397] A computational simulation of chromatin Brownian dynamics
Movie2.mp4 (5.73 MB)  
[399] 3D-reconstituted image of a nucleus
Movie3.mp4 (13.16 MB)  
[396] Figure10_2022_03_27.jpg
 Steady-state local chromatin motion during interphase cell cycle despite of increase in DNA amount and nuclear volume
 image/jpeg 1.03 MB MD5: 435c6a74334d6df97c122d625e947690
[394] Figure1_2022_04_18.jpg
 An image of single-nucleosomes in living cells
 image/jpeg 541.14 KB MD5: 7a782f81edb1bfc8be6841f2804091c1
[395] Figure3_2022_03_27KM_0401iida2.jpg
 3D-reconstituted image of a nucleus
 image/jpeg 137.03 KB MD5: e4037822f631cf13d894ef7837c90ad6
[400] Combined_Mov4_Mov5.mp4
 Local chromatin motion is similar between G1 (left) and G2 (right) though nuclear volume grows double from G1 to G2
 video/mp4 12.28 MB MD5: 11a7eb6b4cd82dc87abbd19464883b96
[398] Movie1_2.mp4
 A movie of single-nucleosomes in living cells
 video/mp4 12.10 MB MD5: ecc7b4f24df48b8e4ebc70c67da5596e
[397] Movie2.mp4
 A computational simulation of chromatin Brownian dynamics
 video/mp4 5.73 MB MD5: feb04e2d9dcc4a829f0ad742b5c3840b
[399] Movie3.mp4
 3D-reconstituted image of a nucleus
 video/mp4 13.16 MB MD5: c8d4fc4e65cc34c31b094d0988a9a4ce